My latest linocut “Waterways” will be making its debut on Saturday 7th December at Inglewood Christmas Fair in Kintbury near Hungerford…
Pop on over between 11am ~ 3pm
Free Entry + Parking
Mince pies and mulled wine 🍷
Inglewood House, Templeton Road
Kintbury Berkshire RG17 9AA
If you can’t make it, then pop in to my Open Studio on Sunday 8th December 12pm ~ 3pm @themindtreecafe in Rowde near Devizes Wiltshire SN10 2TQ
Warm festive wishes to one and all 💛✨
#ChristmasFair2024 #ChristmasFairs #Kintbury #KennetAndAvonCanal #Waterways #Hungerford #KennetAndAvon #Narrowboats #BargeLife #NarrowboatsOfInstagram #Bargeware #Canalia #CanalsOfEngland #CanalsOfInstagram #Linocut #LinoPrint #OriginalPrintsForSale #Printmaker #Devizes #Wiltshire #CaenHillLocks #Wilts
@blandysbistro @audleyvillages
⭐️❄️Christmas Open Studio❄️⭐️ Sunday 8th December 12pm ~ 3pm come along to see the new print studio, find out about courses next year, see new prints and what’s in the making… enjoy a glass of mulled wine and festive treats! Plenty of free parking!
Hannah Cantellow Studio, Furlong Close, Rowde, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 2TQ
Upcoming Christmas Markets…
🎄 29th Nov Tithe Barn Workshops, Bradford on Avon
🎄 30th Nov The Mind Tree Cafe, Rowde
🎄 1st Dec Wildling Studio, Charlcutt Calne
🎄 7th Dec Inglewood House, Kintbury Hungerford
🎄 8th Dec @hannah_cantellow_printmaker
🎄 14th-15th Dec Avebury National Trust, Wiltshire
Hope to see you soon 💛
#christmasmarkets2024 #wiltshirelife #berkshirelife #marlboroughopenstudios #originalprintsforsale #festivefair #festivefayre #christmasfairs #devizes #devizeswiltshire #christmaslightsswitchon #melksham #rowde #roundwayhill #roundwaydown #roundway #bromhamvillage #bromham #marketlavington #potterne #marlborough #kintbury #hungerford #hungerfordberkshire #calne #northwiltshire #pewsey #westwilts #eastwiltshire #bradfordonavoncanal
Last few spaces remaining… Festive Lino Print Christmas Cards - Make it handmade this Christmas!
11am - 2pm
Friday 22nd November 2024
£45 per person
Learn how to design, carve and hand print your own linocut Christmas cards.
Making your own Christmas cards is a wonderful way to get into the festive spirit, learn something new and have fun!
Free parking at the print studio in Rowde, Devizes, Wiltshire.
To book head to my bio @hannah_cantellow_printmaker or click the link in my stories 🎄🎄🎄
#makeithandmade #makeitbyhand #handprintedcards #christmascardmaking #festiveprints #festiveworkshop #linocutcards #linocutchristmascards #linoprinting #linocutworkshop #linoprintingworkshop #november #november2024 #thingstodoinwiltshire #wiltshire #wiltshireevents #rowde #devizes #devizeswiltshire @whatinwiltshire @indiedevizes @themindtreecafe
Come along this Sunday 17th November 10am - 4pm, learn how to linocut and block print your design with beautiful natural dye inks from @maddercutchandco onto natural linen fabrics.
Places available…
To book head to @hannah_cantellow_printmaker link in bio or DM me for the link, I’ll add it in my stories too!
#blockprintedfabric #blockprintingonfabric #blockprint #printsonlinen #linenprints #linenprinting #linenprint #naturaldyeink #maddercutchandco #naturaldyeing #naturaldyestuff #naturaldyesworkshop #handprinted #studioworkshops #rowde #devizeswiltshire #wiltshire #wiltshirelife #visitwiltshire #thingstodoinwiltshire #wilts #wiltshireevents #crafternoon #sundaycraft @whatinwiltshire @indiedevizes @artfulcollective
Autumn inspired colour palette today in the studio… the most gorgeous glossy maroon and ruby reds, burnt oranges and ochres. A mixture of @hawthorn_printmaker and @cranfieldcolours inks on the block today, handprinted on Masa Japanese paper.
Feels good to be printing, something I’ve been putting off since my Dad passed away, but these colours will always remind me of our favourite time of year, walking, cooking and talking together 🍂💛✨
Hoping these will be dry in time for my first Christmas fair, coming up on Saturday 30th November at @themindtreecafe in Rowde SN10 2TQ. See you there?
#autumndays🍁🍂 #autumncolourpalette #glossyleaves #inspiredbynaturecraftedbyhand #reliefprinting #inthestudiotoday #autumnfair #christmasfair #christmasmarkets2024 #rowde #devizes #devizeswiltshire #wiltshiremakers #limitededitionprints #originallinocut #handprinted #autumntrees #beechtrees #copperbeechtree #wiltshirelandscape #hannahcantellowprintmaker
I really do love autumn, not so much the dark evenings, but the colours, textures, forms are just incredible! Just a few photos from a stroll around the grounds of the studio this week. It’s amazing how close inspiration is and how fascinating plants and the living world will always be 💛
The second photo is #candlesnuff fungus it mainly grows on decaying wood hence finding it on a tree stump. It contains both anti-viral properties and compounds that are active against some human carcinomas - nature has all the answers I’m sure!
Looking forward to planting and growing for natural dyes and inks, let me know if you’re interested 🌱
#cardoons #cynaracardunculus #globeartichokes #architecturalplants #candlesnufffungus #fungiphotos #goldenspiral #natureknowsbetter #autumnphotos #autumngifts #naturalinspirations #gardendelight #karlblossfeldtinspired #colourform #texturesandtones
There’s one thing dark evenings are great for…carving lino in good company! There are a couple of spots left on my next linocut evening course, starting on Tuesday 12th November at 6pm - 9pm for 4 weeks and finishing on Tuesday 3rd December. £140.00 including all materials and proud to say all abilities are welcome.
If you’d like to join please pop me a message or email me
You can book via the link in my bio @hannah_cantellow_printmaker
#darkevenings #goodcompany❤️ #alwayslearning #goodthingscometothosewhoprint #printcollective #printmakingcourses #reliefprints #lovetoteach #lovetolearn #throwcautiontothewind #jumpin #livelife #tryandseewhathappens #youneverknowuntilyoutry
Slowly returning to the studio and getting back into creating and teaching… Time is a strange thing, sometimes endless, fleeting, not enough, too much or even withheld. But studio time makes a place for discovery, questioning, frustration, learning, possibilities, awakenings and losing a sense of time, but not purpose. Studio is solace, studio is soul time. I’m looking forward to spending more time here and seeing other souls come to life here too 💛
#studiotime #understandingtime #timeisprecious #timeisagift #soulsessions #soulpurpose #solace #makespace #peaceandtranquility #maketime #printstudio #printtime #printmakingstudio #process #printmakersprocess #takingtimeout #healingtime
One day at a time… Sorry to anyone who has been trying to contact me via Insta, Facebook or Email. I have been out of touch after very sadly losing my Dad to his battle with cancer.
I’d just like to say thank you to those who have reached out, visited, sent cards, flowers and gifts. We are all extremely grateful and overwhelmed by your kindness.
I am slowly making my way through messages, somewhat wading, but rest assured I will get back to you.
Life is very different without Dad, it’s like landing in an unknown wilderness that’s very dark and unknown but also full of light that shines bright. Sending love and compassion to anyone who has lost a loved one to cancer or otherwise.
A great love, beautiful soul, wonderful Dad and best friend no longer walks physically beside me but instead walks forever deep in my heart ♥️
It’s been a bit quiet here on Instagram…due to a very exciting move of premises! I’m just starting to put things in place at the new studio space down the road in Rowde at my new home with @themindtreecafe 🙌🏻
Moving out from my Parnella House studio on one of the hottest days was an experience 🌞 I’ve really enjoyed teaching there in the little stable studio. But with BIG thanks to some incredibly generous print folk @printmakingservices @lukecantellow @sheilaashley64 @estelleablett and Peter Davies @dazbeatson we did it!! We made it to Rowde! Somehow 😅👍🏻
I’ve had lots of new followers 👋🏻 hello, it’s lovely to meet more print folks!
And…course enquiries! 👀 So keep your eyes peeled for my Studio Snippets newsletter this Thursday and a friendly reminder to check your junk mail folders - just in case ☺️
More to do but the studio will be open from September!
Thanks for all your support,
Always 💛 Hannah
#printmakingstudio #printingpress #printingpresses #rowde #devizeswiltshire #printmakingworkshop #printmakingworkshops #printmakingclasses #movingdayfun #augustsunshine #hottestdayofmylife #themindtreecafe #hannahcantellowstudio #printfolk #newchapterbegins #fruitorchard #countrysidelife
Are you popping in on Saturday? My studio door is open from 11am - 5pm, come and see what I’ve been up to with some latest linocut prints, plus oil paintings and what’s coming up this Autumn…
It’s your last chance to see me as I’ll be closed on Sunday, before a big studio move to Rowde (Devizes) at @themindtreecafe !! Exciting!!
#openstudios #openstudio #devizeswiltshire #rowde #devizes #marlboroughopenstudios #mos2024 #print #printmakingworkshop #printmakingstudio #july2024 #openaccess #printstudio #printroom #artstudiospace #artstudios #wiltshireevents #whatsonwiltshire #visitwiltshire #marlborough #devizestown #ruralarts
Back for Week 3 @marlboroughsummerschool to explore the wonders of #Collagraph printmaking…
Starting off the week with card plates, pressing plants and getting to grips with inking and printing before developing more complex plates later in the week.
If you’re interested in collagraph, come along to my open studio in #Devizes this Saturday 27th July to find out more!
#collagraphprint #collagraphy #collagraphplate #prints #collagraphs #collagraphprinting #collagraphplates #collagraphprintmaking #collagraphyprintmaking #collagraphprints #intaglioprintmaking #intaglioprint #reliefprints #collageplay #etchingpress #printmaking #mcss #marlboroughcollegesummerschool #wiltshire #marlboroughopenstudios #openstudios2024
If you’re visiting us at Parnella House for @marlborough_open_studios make sure you head to Old Swan Yard to see the exhibition’Passengers’ at the beautiful @whitechalkgallery - it’s your last chance to see it today!
Featuring the work of…
#visitdevizes #devizeswiltshire #indiedevizes #wiltshire #galleryexhibition #wiltshiregallery #wiltshireexhibition #oldswanyarddevizes #oldswanyard #whitechalkgallery #originalartforsale #ownartscheme #collagraphs #artworkforsalebyartist #exhibitingartists #passengers
Feels so good to be printing these big linocuts again!
I’ve had a couple of pre-orders for the next batch of ‘Summer Solstice at Avebury Stones’ there are just 3 left out of the 5, so let me know if you’d like to reserve one. You can DM or email me (link in my bio).
Each print is £265 signed, unframed and unmounted.
If you’re about this Saturday 20th July, pop in to visit my open studio from 11am - 5pm in Devizes Marketplace. I’m in the garden studio at Parnella House!
#openstudio #artistopenstudio #studioopen #artstudios #avebury #aveburystones #aveburystonecircle #linocut #aveburyhenge #aveburycircle #summersolstice #joy #printmakingstudio #multiblockprint #multiblocklinocut #devizesartist #devizeswiltshire #wiltshireartist #marlboroughopenstudios #marlboroughwiltshire
Week 2 @marlboroughsummerschool @marlboroughcollegeart teaching Woodcut Reduction Printmaking to a lovely group of eager beginners.
So far we’ve been exploring marks using the tools and dipping a toe into printing…next up is carving and printing each layer to build colour and texture 💛✨
#woodcutprints #woodcuts #beginnerclass #mcss #marlborough #marlboroughcollege #summerschool #printmakingclasses #printmakingtutor #artistteacher #artisteducator #teachingjoy #reliefprinting #process
What a week 🙌🏻 teaching a fantastic group of beginners the art of wood engraving @marlboroughsummerschool ☺️
Such brilliant blocks, patience and prints, incredibly proud and what a joy it’s been, thank you 🙏🏻
#beginnercourse #marlboroughsummerschool #mcss #summerschool2024 #marlborough #woodengraving #marlboroughwiltshire #wiltshire #printmaking #printmaker #printmakingstudio #devizes #wilts
First day of @marlborough_open_studios today and so many wonderful visitors to our Devizes studios at Parnella House in the Marketplace, thank you for braving the elements! Now to celebrate with a cold beer in the late sunshine…
We’re back open tomorrow from 11am - 5pm, come and see us and visit @whitechalkgallery next week too!
#marlborough #openstudios #marlboroughopenstudios #devizesartist #artistsoninstagram #printmakerstudio #originalartworksavailablehere #originalprints #originalartworks #visitwiltshire #devizeswiltshire #devizes #wiltshireartist #wiltshirearts #artstudios #whatsoninwiltshire #wiltshireevents @whatinwiltshire
A few more tweaks to this lino block and then the choice of whether to print in colour, or add chine colle or print and then hand colour… 🤔
The garden looks so lush and green right now with pops and bursts of yellow and pinks - perhaps that’s the direction to go! Leafy and lush! What do you think?
#printmaker #printmakersuk #gardensofinstagram #gardensillustrated #gardenillustrated #leafygreen #flowerborder #birdbathing #birdbaths #linocut #linocutprintmaker #linocutsofinstagram #linocutting #reliefprinting #albionpress #originalprints #openstudio #marlborough #devizes #marlboroughopenstudios
Catching up on sharing some proofing of my new linocut ‘the Printmakers Garden’ - here’s my table top Albion in action in the studio a few weeks back. The more I print on this press the more I’m in love with it!
@marlborough_open_studios is coming up in July and I’m looking forward to opening the studio door to you very very soon!
#albionpress #albion #foolscap #proofprinting #printingpress #reliefprinting #reliefprintmaker #printmakingstudio #marlboroughopenstudios #marlborough #devizes #wiltshire #wiltshirearts
What a wonderful #WinchesterPrintFair last weekend 🙌🏻 thank you for all the fabulous feedback, comments and purchases. If you spotted something at the fair but can’t find it on my website please email me or drop me a message here 💛
Lovely print swap with @kjsdoodleprints and in love with a print I bought by @queenofdarktown too ✨ Plus catching up with the always lovely @frankie_brown_illustration and @katherineanteney and meeting many new faces too!
I’ve not been well with some dreadful lurgy, but pleased to say I’m finally feeling better and on the mend ❤️🩹
Big big thanks to @winchesterprintfair for organising!
#winchesterprintfair #printfair #originalprintsforsale #originalprints #printmakersofinstagram #printisntdead #printmakingexhibition #printmakingartists #loveprint #loveprintmaking #loveprinting #printmakeruk
Absolutely love these #durathene rollers from Lawrence Art Supplies @artshophove they always apply relief ink so beautifully to the surface.
I like to use #Zestit or vegetable oil to clean my rollers, then baby powder or French chalk to keep them happy until the next time they’re used.
#printmakingtools #roller #brayer #printmakerslife #favouritetools #toolsofthetrade #printmakingvideo #asmr #asmrvideo #printinginks #arttools #studiotime #reliefprinting #reliefprintingmaking #reliefprintmakers
Last few carving tweaks to this block ‘The Printmakers Garden’…keep an eye out for the proof print shortly 👀
I’ve really enjoyed working on this block and watching the garden blossom into spring alongside it. Trying to decide on whether a colour print or gradient print would suit this 🤔 maybe I’ll try both?
#artistgardener #artistgarden #printmakersofinstagram #linocutsofinstagram #linocarvingprocess #linocarving #proofprint #linoleum #linoblock #linoblocks #printmaker #printmaking #britishprintmakers #maygarden #gardeninglove #greenhousesofinstagram
Date for your diary!! 2 days to go until @winchesterprintfair this Saturday 18th May @thenutshellwinchester ✨open 10:30am - 4pm.
I’ll be there amongst an array of amazing and lovely printmakers. Come along to visit my stand to browse a range of original woodcut and linocut prints, screen printed tea towels, greetings cards and more…
Let’s goooo!
#originalprintfair #printfair #winchester #winchesterarts #winchesterprintfair #printcollectors #printcollector #originalprintsforsale #originalprints #printmakers #thenutshell #printlovers #printlover #printsforsale
So quick! Not in reality… this is 3.5 mins of video condensed into 30 seconds 😅 sometimes I wish I could carve this fast, but actually the practice is wonderfully meditative, slow and steady as they say!
Using my trusty #Gokubosomaru cutting tool from the lovely people @handprinteduk looking forward to joining them at @winchesterprintfair this weekend on Saturday 18th May @thenutshellwinchester ✨
Hope to see you there!
#linocuttingtools #linocutprintingprocess #linocarvingprocess #linocutting #linogravure #originalprint #printmakersofinstagram #winchesterprintfair #thenutshell #winchester #favouritetools #handprinteduk
Into the garden I go to lose my mind and find my soul… 🌱🌿🌳
Carving this new block has provided some much needed headspace. Listening to the blackbird sing from the Walnut tree in the company of new open access members at the print studio = bliss ✨
Come join us 🐦⬛ click the link in my bio to find out more @hannah_cantellow_printmaker
#intothegarden #gardenprint #gardenersfriend #linocutfriends #printclub #originalprintmaking #originalprint #printmakersgarden #greenthumbs #asmr #carvingvideo #linogravureillustration
New block progress started earlier this week… lovely to be in the studio for open access with company from new studio members too!
Working title for this one is ‘The Printmakers Garden’… what do you think! 🤔 It’s the view from what was my home studio which is where it all began in lockdown…
Feels right to honour it as a print! Do you have a favourite garden view?
#newlinoblock #linocut #linoprint #printmakersprocess #printmakersofinstagram #openaccess #studio #devizes #wiltshire #gardenviewflowers #gardenviews #windowview #roomwithaview #happyplace
Wonderful Wood Engravings… one of my recent weekend day workshops in Devizes this Spring!
More workshops and courses are coming up - head over to my website to book or sign up for my Studio Snippets newsletter 📧 to learn more… link in bio!
@hannah_cantellow_printmaker - creative print workshops in Wiltshire
#woodengraving #printworkshop #devizeswiltshire #printmakingprocesses #relief-printer #reliefprints #beginnercourses #beginnerworkshop #crafttime
New Beginnings ✨…last week I left my 3-day a week part-time job of 4+ years working in communications for the care sector. A lovely send off with @floreysfieldoxfordshire and colleagues whom I will miss very much! 💛 The lambs were gorgeous to feed and cuddle, it was a bittersweet day. On my way back to Wiltshire I went for a #weirdwalk wander over to Devils Quoits and spent some time sitting with a mixture of thoughts. Grateful was what really stayed with me.
So a new chapter awaits as I join Chapel Arts Studios @casartists as their Creative People Lead 2-days a week working with some brilliant people!! Don’t worry printmaking is here to stay, along with more workshops, courses and new works in progress…
#selfemployedandlovingit #newbeginnings✨ #newjobsoon #taketheleap #printmakeruk #lambsofinstagram #lambingtime #springlambs🐑 #lambcuddles #feedinglambs #gratefullness #workfriends❤️ #newchapterofmylife #devilsquoits #spacetothink #reflectivethoughts #timewithnature
Roads to Ravilious… I’ve slightly fallen in love with a new-ish walk recently. There are so many vistas and winding roads that remind me of Ravilious here in the place I call home. Particularly ‘Chalk Paths’ and ‘Wiltshire Landscape’ the two that I always find myself looking for. What are your favourite places to walk? Or to sit and take it all in?
I’ve been very dedicated to teaching recently, which is always a joy and a pleasure. But I’m pleased to say that inspired by these walks and places some new prints are now underway…
#roadstotravel #ravilious #wiltshirewalking #wiltshirewalks #chalkpaths #wiltshirelandscape #landscapeartistsuk #inspirationsource #onfoot #tanhill #milkhill #wessex #walkingwiltshire #wiltshireartist
What workshops are springing up soon? Take a look and see what sparks your creative urge! 🌱🌷🌼
Traditional Linocut Printmaking - £85.00
Saturday 13th April, 10am - 3:30pm
Thursday 6th June, 10am - 3:30pm
Evening Courses - £140.00
Learning Linocut ‘a beginners guide’
Starts Tuesday 16th April, 6pm - 9pm for 6 weeks
Linocut Deep Dive (Reduction and Multiplate)
Starts Tuesday 28th May, 6pm - 9pm for 4 weeks
Plus lots more workshops in woodcut, wood engraving and textile printing on the website 👇🏻
Go to to book your spot.
#printmakingworkshops #reductionlino #multiblockprint #learnlinocut #linocutprocess #linocuting #craftcourses #craftworkshopsuk #craftworkshops #printcourse #craftworkshopwiltshire #thingstodoinwiltshire #wiltshirebusiness #timeforwiltshire #wiltshireevents @artfulcollective @indiedevizes @visitwiltshire @peopleofprint @thedesigntrust @marlborough_open_studios
Delighted to hear that two original prints ‘Tresco’ and ‘Portal’ have been selected for this years @whitechalkgallery open exhibition 🥳 thank you!
Judge selection panel: David Cobley, Peter Davies and Bryony Cox.
‘Tresco’ is a linocut print, handprinted on @awagami_factory Japanese Masa Paper using @cranfieldcolours caligo inks.
‘Portal’ is a wood engraving print, handprinted on Japanese Tosa Shi paper using @cranfieldcolours caligo ink.
Come along to see the exhibition PLUS I’ll be at ‘meet the artist’ on Saturday 6th April between 2pm - 4pm.
Exhibition dates: 4th - 20th April 2024
Location: White Chalk Gallery Fine Art, No.5 Old Swan Yard, Devizes, Wiltshire SN10 1AT
Opening times: Thurs, Fri and Sat 10am - 5pm
#openexhibition #framedoriginals #originalprints #originalprintsforsale #printmakersuk #printcollectors #printcollector #exhibitionevents #exhibitionevent #meettheartist #tresco #cornwall #linocutprints #portal #wiltshire #woodengraving #woodengravingprint #whitechalkgallery #oldswanyarddevizes #devizes @hannah_cantellow_printmaker
New collagraph prints in development over the last couple of weeks. It’s been a squeeze to get them in, but I really love the second print from the plate. It’s more subtle and lighter in its colouring. Which do you prefer?
Developed this print from a series of sketches and an oil painting. Not sure which one I prefer yet…the print or the painting..? 🤔
I’m running my next Collagraph course on Saturday 1st and Sunday 2nd June in my Devizes Print Studio. If you’d like to book click the link in my bio @hannah_cantellow_printmaker just a couple of places left!
I’ll also be teaching an Introduction to Collagraph course @marlboroughsummerschool in July!
#collagraph #collagraphprint #collagraphplate #collagraphs #collagraphprintmaking #collagraphprints #printcollage #landscapeprints #originalprintsforsale #collagraphy #marlboroughopenstudios #marlboroughsummerschool #printmakingtechniques #popmembers #artfulcollective
The loveliest feedback from a super family of 10 💛
Never take for granted how you make people feel, it’s something they never forget. Knowing that you’ve inspired and moved someone through teaching what you love will always hold a special place in my heart.
Thank you 🙏🏻
Happy printing people!
#printmakingworkshop #studentprints #absolutebeginners #gratefulpost #thankyoupost #teachingmakesmehappy #inspirepeoplearoundyou #familyworkshop #creativetimeout #creativetutor #hannahcantellowprintmaker #hcstudiouk @artfulcollective @indiedevizes @visitwiltshire @peopleofprint #popmembers
Over the last couple of weeks I’ve been teaching my first 6-week course in the new studio space at Parnella House in Devizes.
Amongst other workshops including block printing on linen, creative collagraph, lino printing birthday parties and private 1-1 sessions - a whirlwind few weeks!
Here’s a few snaps of students from the Introduction to Linocut course - they are a fab bunch and full of laughs!
I really do love what I do!! 💛 🐦⬛ 🌟
#printmakingcourses #craftcoursesuk #linoprintingworkshop #visitwiltshirespring #teachingjoy #linoworkshop #printmakingforthepeople #hannahcantellowprintmaker @indiedevizes @visitwiltshire @whatsonwiltshire @hannah_cantellow_printmaker @artfulcollective @peopleofprint #popmembers
What an epic day yesterday! Beyond happy and an absolute reminder that sometimes hard work really does pay off!
Repost from @printmakingservices thank you @_theomiller - top job! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
#wiltshireartist #wiltshirebusiness #wiltshireart #printmakersofinstagram #printmakingstudio #wiltshireworkshops #wiltshireevents #thingstodoinwiltshire #wiltshirebased #devizeswiltshire #devizesbusiness #markettown #indiependent #devizestown #wilts #wiltshirelife #creativeworkspaces #creativeworkshops #artistledspace #albionpress #reliefpress #studiopractice #printmakingtools #printcourse #printmakingclasses #printmakingtechniques
Monday 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 full of wonderful printing action @newbreweryarts for a private birthday party of 3 fabulous sisters!
We had a great afternoon of carving lino, looking at designs, sharing stories of travel and wisdom, plus lots and lots of laughter 🤭 sisters of 70 years have a thing or two to share!!
Beautiful block prints on linen tea towels and the main thing, lots of smiles 💖 if you haven’t been to #newbreweryarts yet, it’s an absolute treat.
Can’t wait to be back again soon! 🥳🥳🥳
#blockprintpattern #textileprints #linenprints #teatowelprinting #teatowelsofinstagram #privateworkshops #birthdayshenanigans🎉 #sistertime💕 #printmakingworkshops #hannahcantellowprintmaker #teacherteaching #thingstodoincirencester #cirencester #wiltshireartist #devizesartist #peopleofprint #popmembers
A very recent commission for an early Christmas gift in 2023. Absolutely loved the challenge of cutting lino to bring this cheeky furry duo to life in print.
Swipe to see print progress from sketch to finish…
Printed in a dark grey mix to match the clients interior using @cranfieldcolours caligo inks and printed on beautiful handmade Japanese paper 🐾
Using my favourite Pfeil tools, and a Gokubosomaru tool from the fabulous @handprinteduk
#catprints #catsoflondon #cheekycatsofinstagram #coolforcatsuk #lovecats🐱 #originalprint #printmakersprocess #printmakerstudio #commissionartworks #commissionprinting #handdrawnillustrations #sketchedbyme #linocutprocess #linocuttingart #linocuttools #hannahcantellowprintmaker #wiltshireartist #wiltshirebusiness #wiltshire #handprinted #artfulcollective @artfulcollective
🥳 New Studio Open Day 🥳 this Saturday 10th February from 11am til 4pm - pop in to the garden at Parnella House in Devizes!
I cannot begin to put into words the work it has taken to get here, a long term dream is becoming a reality. Something I genuinely did not expect to happen. So it is with the warmest welcome that you’re invited to join me and find out what creative and printy happenings are afoot in 2024!
If you’re about in town you can see some of my latest original prints in the gorgeous window @whitechalkgallery in Old Swan Yard too!
Let me know if you’re popping in RSVP to
See you on Saturday 🥳🥳🥳
#openstudio #printstudio #printshop #printmakeruk #printmakingstudio #reliefprint #intaglioprint #screenprint #printmakingworkshop #printmakingclass #printmakingclass #printmakingexhibition #printmakersofinstagram #printmakersprocess #dreamscancometrue #workhardstayhumble #openheartedness #nevergiveuponyourdreams #devizes #devizesartist #wiltshireart #wiltshiresmallbusiness #indiebusinessnetwork #hannahcantellowprintmaker #whitechalkgallery #oldswanyarddevizes #oldswanyard #whatsonwiltshire #wiltshireevents #artexhibitionopening #originalprints
Sticks and stones
I left my bones
Time stands still
a pebble
The tide breathes out
I fall in
My thoughts roll on
I must, come back to Cornwall.
#sticksstonesbones #driftwood #adrift #tidetime #pebbleshore #pebblestone #alonetime #standstillworldbreathing #breatheinthegood #followyourheart #cornishcoastline #kynancecove #thoughtstoponder #wishingandhoping #cornwall #drawingitin #drawingitout #findingawaythrough #thetreethatwenttosea #thetreeonthebeach #newlynschoolofart
Wonderful New Year Wishes to you all ✨~ it’s nice to be back and feeling rested and refreshed. I’ve had a little break from Instagram as I’ve been super busy moving into a new studio space at Parnella House in Devizes!
Luckily I have some super strong 💪🏻 friends and family who have helped me with moving and transforming the space. So many thank yous 🙏🏻 you know who you are 💛🌟
Workshops and courses are live on my website for 2024 - go take a peek! 👀 If you’re on my Studio Snippets mailing list you’ll be getting an invitation very shortly to see the new studio and celebrate with me. More on that soon, I have planning and unpacking to do…
#printmakingstudio #parnellahouse #parnellahouseworkshops #printmakingcourses #printmakingclasses #printmakingworkshop #planning2024 #creativebusinessowner #creativescommunity_ #printisntdead #printmakingcommunity #lovetolearn #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing #gardenstudio #gardenstudios #devizesartist #devizes #devizeswiltshire #wiltshirebusiness #wiltshireartist #thingstodoinwiltshire
What. A. Year. 2023 you have been full, busy, kind, generous, surprising, creative, cruel, hard, funny, gritty, grieving, beautiful, uncertain, sweet, bright and abundant ~ thank you for all your teachings 🙏🏻 I will forever be learning.
If there’s hope for anything, I hope that all those I love and cherish will still be with me in 2024 and beyond 💛✨
Hold on tight to what matters and you’ll find a way to overcome the greatest of challenges. Wishing for peace, love and harmony to all, all over this great Earth.
Big love, Hannah xxx
Feeling festive after dropping off some lovely new pieces to @whitechalkgallery yesterday… including my new range of colourful Christmas tea towels ☕️ 🍰
The designs are screen printed onto 100% natural cotton and are from my original 12 Days of Christmas linocut designs also available as a set of 12 Christmas cards.
Pop in and have a browse…
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #whitechalkgallery #devizes #oldswanyarddevizes #devizeswiltshire #devizesindies #shopindependentthischristmas #christmasteatowel #christmasteatowels #12daysofchristmascrafts #christmascrafts #screenprintedteatowel #teatowelart #teatowels #linocutteatowels #linocutfriends #shopindieuk #makeithandmade #handmadechristmasuk #wiltshire #wiltshireshops #wiltshireartist
Very exciting news 🗞️ after 3 years of working from my home studio in Devizes, I’m moving into a new bigger space just down the road in Rowde!
I can’t wait to share more details with you here soon… but if you want to find out more head over to my blog ~ click the link in my stories to have a read 💛✨
#hannahcantellowstudio #devizesartist #devizesartist #wiltshireart #rowde #wiltshirebusiness #wiltshirelife #printworkshops #printmaking #drawingworkshops #creativecourses #studiomembership #professionalartists #marlboroughwiltshire #marlboroughopenstudios #hannahcantellowprintmaker #caenhilllocks #caenhill #roundwayhill #wessexdowns #trowbridge #salisbury #swindon #cricklade #hungerford #chippenham #westbury #bathartists #printmakingartists #whatsonwiltshire #thingstodoinwiltshire @themindtreecafe
Linocut Reduction Workshop coming up on Saturday 28th October, there’s just one place left so be quick if you want to book it!
All upcoming workshops are at the fabulous @overtonframingstudio near Marlborough.
To find out more and book head over to my website by…
👉 clicking the link in my bio @hcstudiouk or
👉 click the link in my stories or
👉 drop me a message
Limited places left on workshops in November and December too.
Get your print on!
#printmakingworkshops #creativecourses #metime #creativetimeout #creativefreedom #carvingouttime #creativespace #printmakingclasses #printmakingtechniques #reductionlinocut #linoprinting #learntoprint #getprinting #findyourmojo #printclub #printmakingstudio #printmaker #hannahcantellow #womeninprint #devizeswiltshire #wiltshire#berkshire #oxfordshire #cotswolds #salisbury #marlborough #marlboroughwiltshire #crafternoon #craftcourses #craftcoursesuk
A few snaps from my recent explorations in Cornwall at #KynanceCove out sketching my favourite of all time… rock formations 💛
Feeling totally inspired and full of energy from a weekend at @newlynartschool meeting fantastic people, new friends and amazing artists.
Excited for the path ahead…
#kynancecovecornwall #rockformations #geological_adventurer #rocksandstones #rocksandsea #rocklichen #lichencolours #outdoorsketch #outdoorsketching #sketchbooktravels #graphitesketch #drawingislife #drawingisfree #studiopractice #newlyn #newlyncornwall #wiltshireartist #devizesartist
Autumn Workshops 🍂 are back and booking up fast! If you’ve had your eye on something you’d like to try, then book online via my website.
Either use the link in my stories or the link in my bio @hcstudiouk to book.
Lino Printing for beginners and Jigsaw linocut start on Saturday 14th October.
All classes are hosted at the fabulous Overton Framing Studio near Marlborough in Wiltshire.
Come and get your print on, they’ll also be cake 🍰
Looking forward to seeing you there!
#printmakingworkshops #learntoprint #crafternoon #craftaddicts #craftaddict #tryanewcraft #linoprintingworkshop #beginnerclasses #beginnerworkshop #letthemeatcake🎂 #cakeandcraft #wiltshireevents #wiltshireworkshops #whatsonwiltshire #wiltshire #wilts #wiltshirecountryside #wiltsandberkscanal #visitwiltshire #thingstodoinwiltshire #devizes #devizesartist #marlboroughevents #marlboroughartist #makeandtakeclass #makeandtakeclasses #makeityourself #linocutcards #woodcuts #monoprinting
Hello hello 👋🏻 I’m popping up my stall at the Devizes Craft & Gift Fair tomorrow… pop in and see what’s going on, chat print, see what workshops are coming up and maybe treat yourself to a little something too 💛✨
Open 10 am - 4 pm
Inside the Corn Exchange
Saturday 30th September
See you there!
#devizes #shopindieuk #supportlocalartists #printmakingworkshops #craftamdgiftmarket #craftfair #craftmarket #giftmarket #septemberevents #whatsonwiltshire #wiltshireevents #cornexchangedevizes #devizescornexchange #devizesmarket #weekendfair #visitdevizes #devizesbusiness #devizestown #devizesartist #devizeswiltshire #saturdaymarket #originalprintsforsale #shopsmalluk #indiebusiness #greatwestway #natureprints #swindonlife #wiltshireworkshops #wiltshirelife #wiltshirecountryside @myntimage @artfulcollective
What a treat to be surrounded by talented and dedicated printmakers at the #NewForest #Wayzgoose last Saturday!
Totally inspired by the wonders of letterpress and the possibilities to explore with book binding ✨
So amazing to meet Instagram friends in person, share insights and just chat face to face!!
Thank you to fab organising by @hannahfitzpatrick_prints and thanks to everyone who visited and supported, it means the world. My heart is full 💛
#Wayzgoose2023 #womanprintmaker #woodcutprintmaker #woodengravings #linocutprints #letterpressprinter #adanapress #printersfair #printfair #newforestuk #newforestwayzgoose #brockenhurstnewforest #brockenhurst #printmakinguk #originalprintsforsale #bookishness #instagramfriends #irl #framedprintsforsale #originalartworkforsale #printisntdead #peopleofprint #popmembers @peopleofprint #artfulcollective @artfulcollective @brockenhurstvillagetrust @thenewforestuk @newforestnpa
Super excited to be heading to my first #Wayzgoose and setting up my print stall this Saturday in the beautiful #NewForest 🌳
A huge thanks to @hannahfitzpatrick_prints for organising - really grateful to be a part of it 💛✨
Hope to see you there!
23rd September 2023
10 am - 3 pm
Free Entry
Brockenhurst Village Hall
#printfair #printfairs #wayzgoose2023 #thenewforestuk #thenewforest #brockenhurstnewforest #brockenhurst #printersfair #printmakinguk #printmakersuk #septemberevents #septemberevent #visitthenewforest #september2023 #print #originalprint #printpress #printingpresses #printlife
Super excited for my first ever Print Fair! At #Craftival @newbreweryarts in Cirencester next week!
I’m popping along with a selection of original prints, including linocuts, wood engravings and woodcuts…
Delighted to be amongst so many talented print people too!
#newbreweryarts #printfair #printfairs #august #cirencester #cirencesterlife #originalprintsforsale #originalprintfair #cirencestercraftmarket #craftmarkets #newbreweryartscirencester #printmakersuk #printmakerslife #printmakingartists #printmakingexhibition #visitcirencester #artgalleryuk #linocutartwork #woodcuts #woodengravings
A wet and dreary Monday but I’m looking forward to being part of a vibrant creative open exhibition at @whitechalkgallery this week!!
Two of my original linocuts have been selected and will be available to purchase.
‘Cley Hill Warminster’ and ‘Devizes Treasures’.
Looking forward to exhibiting alongside lots of other fantastic artists from near and far 💛✨
If you’d like to meet the artists pop along on Saturday 5th August between 2pm - 4pm. Hopefully see you there!
#OpenExhibition #WhiteChalkGallery #AugustExhibition #DevizesTown #DevizesWiltshire #OldSwanYard #OldSwanYardDevizes #WiltshireArtist #MeetTheMaker #MeetTheArtists #GalleryExhibition #MarketTowns #WhatsOnWiltshire #WiltshireLife #WiltshireBusiness #HannahCantellowPrintmaker #OriginalPrints #LinocutPrints
Last chance to visit my garden studio this weekend!
I’m open both Saturday and Sunday 11am-5pm. It would be fabulous to see you!!
If you’ve got a print related question or you want to learn more about commissions come and chat to me.
See you soon! 💛✨
@marlboroughopenstudios @hcstudiouk #marlboroughopenstudios2023 #marlboroughopenstudios #mos2023 #wiltshiresmallbusiness #wiltshireartist #devizes #devizeswiltshire #devizestowestminster #marlboroughwiltshire #salisburywiltshire #salisburyplain #wildlifegarden #wildlifegardener #wildlifegardening #bumblebeesofinstagram #hollyhocks #hollyhockshoneybees #hollyhocksofinstagram #hollyhockhouse #britishbutterflies #butterflieseverywhere #artistgarden #artistgardener #natureartlover #wiltshirewildlife #wiltshirewomeninbusiness #wiltshiremakers #hannahcantellowprintmaker #printmakerstudio #printmakerofinstagram
Sunday @marlboroughopenstudios opening hours today 11am - 5pm
I had a lovely day of visitors yesterday who braved the Wiltshire winds to see me 💛 thank you!
Looking forward to seeing more faces today, old and new - all welcome!
#sundaystudio #sundaysunshine #marlboroughopenstudios #MOS2023 #marlboroughopenstudios2023 #wiltshirestudio #openstudios #wiltshireartist #visitwiltshire #printmakingstudio #printmakersprocess #printmakingpress #landscapeprints #originalprints #originalprintsforsale #hannahcantellowprintmaker #devizes #devizestown #devizeswiltshire #devizesartist #roundwaydown #wessex #wiltshirewalks #arttrails #arttrail #timeforwiltshire #loveforwiltshire #wiltshiresmallbusiness #shopindependant #supportlocalarts @inthemaking_aprons @johounsomephotography
It’s our last day of block printing on linen today - the time has flown! I’m really going to miss this fabulous group @marlboroughsummerschool we’ve had so much fun and learnt so much too!
Test prints yesterday are looking gorgeous and some brilliant experiments with colour palettes and over printing.
Looking forward to seeing the final ones this afternoon 💛✨
#MCSC2023 #marlboroughsummerschool #marlboroughcollegesummerschool #blockprintedfabrics #blockprintedfabric #blockprintedtextiles #handprintedlinen #patterndesigns #printpatterns #linenprints #linenprint #linenprinting #ecotextileink #huntthemoon @huntthemoon #permasetaqua #permaset_aqua #speedballtextileink #handprintedfabric #handprinting #handprintedfabrics #printedbyhand #printmakingworkshop #printmakingclasses #printmakingclass #hannahcantellowprintmaker
@marlboroughsummerschool starts today, excited to inspire, meet new faces and teach the wonderful art of block printing!
We’ll be using eco-textile inks, exploring pattern development and playing with repeats. Can’t think of a better way to spend my afternoons this week 💛✨
#mcsc2023 #marlboroughcollege #marlboroughsummerschool #blockprintpattern #blockprintingtextiles #blockprinted #blockprints #blockprintingonfabric #repeatpatterns #patternplay #printedlinen #linenprints #linenprinting #printmaking #handprintedpattern #handprintedtextiles #handprintedfabrics
Saturday is nearly here and the studio is ready… open for more lovely visitors tomorrow from 11am-5pm. It would be fab to meet you 💛✨
If you pre-ordered a ‘Tresco’ linocut print it will be ready for collection tomorrow too!
This is my second year exhibiting with @marlboroughopenstudios and I couldn’t be happier to be part of it!!
There are lots of wonderful artists in and around Devizes again this year…don’t miss us!!
@sabl1060 Shirley Whitby
@thewiltshiremarkmaker Christopher Poyser
@stephen_davis_photos Stephen Davis
@royevansmetalikart Roy Evans
@hcstudiouk Hannah Cantellow
Ross Goude
@julie.couch Julie Couch
See you at the weekend!! 👋🏻
#marlboroughopenstudios #openstudios2023 #devizes #devizeswiltshire #devizesbusiness #devizestown #devizesartist #markettowns #markettown #wiltshirelife #wiltshireartist #wiltshirephotographer #visitwiltshire #wiltshirewalks #wiltshireart #hannahcantellowprintmaker #printmaker #tresco #islesofscilly #linocutprints #originalartworkforsale #originalsonly #limitededitionprints #originalprints #gradientprint #ombreprint #cranfieldreliefink #handprinteduk
@marlboroughopenstudios continues…
After a fabulously fun linocut taster workshop last Sunday, this weekend the studio is only open on Saturday 8th July 11am - 5pm and closed on Sunday 9th.
But don’t be put off by the rain, grab your jacket and head over, there’s even a big umbrella and gazebo to keep you dry! ☔️
Come and chat all things print!
#marlboroughopenstudios #marlboroughwiltshire #marlborough #wiltshire #devizes #devizestown #devizeswiltshire #openstudios #openstudios2023 #artistopenstudio #artistopenstudios #printmakerstudio #printmakerslife #printmakersstudio #hannahcantellow #britishprintmakers #womeninprint #womenprintmakers #wiltshireevents #devizesevents #meettheartist #meettheartist2023 #meetthemaker2023 #printingpress #bookpress #handprintedpaper #madebyhandandheart #madebyhanduk #ukprintshow #wilts
A delightful first day for #marlboroughopenstudios including some incredible conversations!
Open today 11am - 5pm - hoping the sun shines today 🌞 for the linocut taster 12pm - 1:30pm in the garden!
Look out for the pink arrows and the peach house 🍑 when you’re trying to find me, as the studio is quite tucked away!
Good luck to all my fellow @marlboroughopenstudios exhibiting artists today 💛✨
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #openstudios2023 #openstudios #openstudio #linocutartist #woodcutartist #printmaker #tastersession #pleinair #gardenflowers🌷 #devizes #devizeswiltshire #wiltshirearts #whatsonwiltshire #wilts #wiltshireevents #crafternoons #crafternooning #meettheartist2023 #gardenprints #natureinspireddesign #natureinspiredartist #visitwiltshire #devizestown #markettown #whitehorsehill
Posted @withregram • @newbreweryarts Blimey #MakerMonday comes round fast, and there are so many exciting makers to introduce you to.
This week its Hannah Cantellow, who is a printmaker. Excitingly Hannah is joining us in September as a new tutor (so check out our autumn courses and her Block Printing Patterns 5 week course).
Based in Devizes, Hannah (@hcstudiouk) specialises in creating linocut and woodcut landscape limited edition prints. She's also an experienced tutor and has been passing on her skills and experience over 10 years, she runs local linocut workshops in Wiltshire and now has been tempted out into the Cotswolds to teach here at New Brewery Arts.
Photo credit: @johounsomephotography
💛 Apron: @inthemaking_aprons
#blockprinting #printing #printingclasses #wiltshire #gloucestershire #inherstudio #printmaker #linoprint #ink #craft #craftcourses
💛 Special Event 💛 @marlboroughopenstudios on Sunday 2nd July I’m holding a FREE linocut taster workshop from 12pm - 1:30pm ✨
All materials are provided, just pop in, there’s no need to book.
If you fancy a spot of carving in the garden, then you’re more than welcome to join me 🌻
#marlboroughopenstudios #marlboroughopenstudios2023 #linocuttaster #lino #linocut #linoprint #linoprinting #linostamp #linostamping #linostamps #workshop #devizeswiltshire #devizes #devizestown #devizesartist #wiltshire #visitwiltshire #whatsonwiltshire #wiltshireevents #devizesevents #blockprint #blockprinting #blockprintingworkshop #creativeworkshop #creativetime #learnsomethingnew #crafternoondelight #crafternoon #openstudios #openstudio
Getting very excited for @marlboroughopenstudios this weekend!! Come and visit me at Studio No. 4 in Devizes!
The studio is a bit hidden away but look for the pink-peach coloured house and you’ll find the studio in the garden.
Opening times: 11am - 5pm
Sat 1 July Open
Sun 2 July Open
Sat 8 July Open
Sun 9 July - Closed
Sat 15 July Open
Sun 16 July Open
Sat 22 July Open
Sun 23 July Open
See you soon 💛
#marlboroughopenstudios #marlboroughopenstudios2023 #MOS2023 #printmaking #HannahCantellow #devizes #devizeswiltshire #devizesartist #wiltshireopenstudios #devizestown #devizesbusiness #roundway #roundwayhill #roundwaydown #wiltshiredowns #wiltshirewalks #wiltshirearts #wiltshireartists #wiltshire #calne #marlborough #marlboroughwiltshire #printmakerstudio #printmakersoninstagram #linocutprints #woodcutprints #woodengravings #openstudios #openstudios2023 #artiststudios
Posted @withregram • @marlboroughopenstudios In the heart of Devizes town is printmaker Hannah Cantellow.
Hannah tells us “It is the conjuring of an image into being, that is how print making stole my heart. A physical act, carving stories and uncovering tales, creating imaginary places combined with real living ones. The language of marks I translate from the natural world brings my landscapes alive, sweeping lines, undulating shapes, wide fluid skies, rhythmic patterns and movement. My work evokes a sense of experience, as if you've just been there, a falling in love with the world again.”
This studio is open for visitors 1/2/8/15/16/22/23 July, 11.00am – 5.00pm, plus Hannah is holding a special event: Linocut Printing Taster Workshop Sunday 2nd July 12pm - 1:30pm, materials provided.
Telephone – 07739 793415
Email -
Instagram – @hcstudiouk
Facebook - @hcstudiouk
Website -
#marlboroughopenstudios #artcollecting #watercolourart #openstudios #artevent
#artistsoninstagram #wiltshireartist #wiltshiresculpture #localevents #printmaker
#artforthehome #marlboroughartists #buylocal #foodforthesoul #creatives #wiltshirearttrail
#whereartismade #meettheartist #whatsoninmarlborough #feedthesoul @indiedevizes @wiltshire_living_magazine
Celebrating the fact that my exhibition comes to end tomorrow because it is a new beginning!
It’s been a pleasure to exhibit @whitechalkgallery in #OldSwanYard the community surrounding me @urban_rustics @teoscaffebistrodevizes and Tundra Jewellers have been so supportive, you’re all brilliant! Thank you 💕✨
An extra thank you to the beautiful dried flowers from @hopsandflowers they are stunning, along with my locally collected teasels and cow parsley 🌿
If you haven’t had chance to pop in yet, I’m here today until 5pm and I’ll be here on Saturday 17th June until 5pm too ☺️🙌🏻
#happyprinting #soloshow #soloexhibit #solstice2023 #avebury #aveburystonecircle #aveburyhenge #aveburycircle #originalprintsforsale #treasuredkeepsakes #wiltshireartist #avebury #wessexridgeway #archaeological #cowparsley #teasels #driedflowerarrangement #driedflowerarrangements #driedflowerart #artistprintmaker #landscapeartist #ridgewayviews #theridgeway #ridgewaywalk #shoplocaluk #supportgalleries #woodengravings #framedprints
Beautiful sunny morning here in #Devizes #Wiltshire 💛 the blue in the sky is particularly glorious!
Pop into @whitechalkgallery in #OldSwanYard to see my work @hcstudiouk #HannahCantellow and say hello 👋🏻 always love to chat anything print and creative!
Fab to see so many red dots too 🔴✨thank you! 🙏🏻
#FineArtGallery #FineArtPrints #OriginalArtworksForSale #Printmaker #ArtistWorking #LivingArtist #ArtistPrintmaker #PrintmakingExhibition #HannahCantellow #WhiteChalkGallery #DevizesWiltshire #WiltshireLiving #WiltshireInteriors #HouseRenovationsUK #BritishArtist #Exhibiting #Bath #Marlborough #Woodcuts #Linocuts #Collagraph #Mokulito #Silkscreen #LandscapeArtist #WiltshireLandscape @peopleofprint @artfulcollective #peopleofprint #popmembers
Exhibition continues… @whitechalkgallery will be open tomorrow morning from 10am ✨ Pop in and see what I’ve been developing as part of my residency there.
Thank you to everyone who has made a purchase, given feedback, hugged, questioned, pre-ordered and visited. You’ve blown me away with your words!
Open times this week:
Weds 10-5
Thurs 10-5
Fri 10-5
Sat 10-5
See you there 💛
#firstgalleryshow #printmakingexhibition #printmakingartist #hannahcantellow #printmakingresidency #fineartgallery #whitechalkgallery #wiltshiregallery #framedprintsforsale #framedprints #originalsforsale #originalprints #interiorstyledecor #interiorframes #wiltshireart #wiltshireartist #wiltshireevents #wiltshirecountryside #walkinginwiltshire #loveforwiltshire #ridgeway #wansdyke #wessexdowns #wessexridgeway #wessex #timeforwiltshire #devizesartist #linocut #woodcut #woodengravings @indiedevizes @artfulcollective @peopleofprint
We are OPEN!!! 🎉🎉🎉
What an incredible couple of days, thank you to everyone for your help, love, support and time! You know who you are!!
Come in and see my first solo show @whitechalkgallery open today until 5pm today in #oldswanyard #devizes
💛 the sun is shining!!
#firstsoloshow #firstsoloexhibition #exhibitingartist #hannahcantellow #printmaker #workingartist #printmakers #britishartist #wiltshireart #devizestown #whitechalkgallery #linogravure #woodcutprints #woodcutprintmaking #mokulito #aveburystones #avebury #aveburystonecircle #wessex #wiltshirelandscape #wiltshirecountryside #wiltshirewalks #historicmarket #markettowns #artgalleryuk #visitwiltshire #wiltshireevents #fineartexhibit
What a fantastic fun day I had hanging with the brilliant @bryonycoxartist at @whitechalkgallery yesterday!
The exhibition is really coming together and I’m heading in today to start my printmaking residency…
Can’t wait to open the doors and welcome you in 💛
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #printmaker #artistinresidence #artistresidency #printmaking #printmakersprocess #galleryhang #soloshow #soloexhibition #printmakingexhibition #whitechalkgallery #whitechalkgallerydevizes #fundaymonday #hangingartwork #framedprintsavailable #fineartgallery #devizeswiltshire #devizestown #devizesartist #wiltshireartist #handprinted #originalprint #originalprintmaking #whatsonwiltshire #wiltshireevents #bbcwiltshire #wiltshireliving #wiltshirelife #wiltshire #wilts
Solo exhibition incoming… over the next 2 weeks I’ll be exhibiting at the beautiful @whitechalkgallery in Devizes with my first solo exhibition. Please pop in and say hello it would be wonderful to see you!
I’ll also be working as printmaker in residence during this time, so there will be an extended exhibition of my work in progress upstairs in the gallery.
How to find the exhibition:
5 Old Swan Yard
SN10 1AT
Opening times:
12-5 Thursday 8th June
10-4 Friday 9th
10-5 Saturday 10th
1-4 Sunday 11th
10-5 Wednesday 14th
10-5 Thursday 15th
10-5 Friday 16th
10-5 Saturday 17th
See you there!
Hannah x
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #whitechalkgallery #devizes #wiltshire #whitechalkgalleryfineart #muddywilts #muddystilletosawards #muddystilettos #wiltshireartist #visitwiltshire #wiltshirewalks #wiltshireart #timeforwiltshire #loveforwiltshire #printmakersofinstagram #exhibitingartists #framedoriginalart #framedartforsale #framedartwork #originalprints #originalprintsforsale #linocut #woodcut #woodengraving #screenprints #blockprintedbyhand #blockprintedtextiles #madebyhand #devizeswiltshire #devizesbusiness
🌿Awe and Wonder Art Exhibition
27th May - 10th June / Open 1pm-4pm
St James The Less Church, Foxcote
@awe_and_wonder2023 exhibition @fringeartsbath ✨
Refreshments bank holiday weekend
Saturday 27th - Monday 29th May
Announcing! The Awe and Wonder Exhibition, a creative celebration of our natural world, will be open to the public from 27th May until 10th June as part of Fringe Arts Bath Festival.
Awe and Wonder, hosted at St. James the Less church in Foxcote on the outskirts of Bath, features a collection of beautiful artworks created by talented local artists.
Including organic textiles, ceramics, glasswork, abstract paintings, woodwork, lino prints, pencil drawings, photography, and wire sculpture, the exhibition reveals each Artist’s unique perspective of the intricate beauty of nature, its healing properties and its role as a source of inspiration.
The exhibition is open from 1pm until 4pm every day, with tea and coffee provided by Friends of Foxcote throughout the bank holiday weekend.
Admission is free.
#aweandwonder #aweandwonder2023 #fringeartsbath #fringeartsbath2023 #bathsomerset #bathcity #foxcote #curatedexhibition #exhibitionsinmay #monthofmay #fringearts #bathuk #fringeartsbathfestival #natureinspired #freeexhibition #naturalworld #bathcityuk #bathcity #somerset #thingstodoinsomerset #bathexhibitions #whatsoninbath #whatsonbath #bathart #bathartists
Testing and proof printing this gorgeous lino block earlier in the week. Capturing those Cornish waters in all their blue glory 🌊
So happy with how it’s printing, but just a couple of tweaks and some tidy carving to make it really sing 👌🏻
Blue really is beautiful 🦋🩵🌀
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #cornishblue #blueblueblue💙 #beautifulbluesea #blueisbeautiful #blueisbest #tropicalgarden #tropicalislands #cornishinspiration #cornishseaexplorers #cornishsea #trescoabbeygardens #tresco #cornwallart #islesofscilly #proofprint #testprints #artistsprocess #printmakersprocess #rainbowrolls #oceanblues #landscapeartistsuk #originalprints #originalprintsforsale #devizeswiltshire #devizesartist #marlboroughopenstudios #peopleofprint #popmembers
Finally finished carving this lino block celebrating the most magical day spent exploring the island of #Tresco in the #IslesOfScilly - a very special block of a very special place 💛✨
Cannot wait to proof print and see that first reveal! Keep an eye on my stories to catch a sneaky peek! 👀
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #originalprints #linogravure #lino #linocutting #blockprintingart #cornishinspiration #drawntonature #succulentsgalore #gardenofdreams #peacockbutterflies #redsquirrels #goldenpheasants #commonlizard #agapanthus #birdsong #trescoabbeygardens #scillyislands #cornishgarden #printsforyourhome #printsforthehome #printsforsalebyartist #linoprintartist #britishprintmakers #wiltshireartist #peopleofprint #popmembers #marlboroughopenstudios
New prints in the shop✨
Amongst Things, 2023
Edition of 15 original prints.
Linocut printed on Fabriano Unica (archival quality paper) using litho relief ink.
£40 unmounted in a biodegradable sleeve. Plus £3.50 postage.
Go to @hcstudiouk link in bio to purchase
#hannahcantellow #originalprint #hotoffthepress #linocutprintmaker #linocutprint #landscapeprints #blackandwhiteprints #standingstones #swallowprint #stoneforms #abstractlandscapeart #fabriano #lithoreliefink #originalprintsforsale #wilts #wiltshirecountryside #wiltshireart #wiltshireartists #beautifulwiltshire #timeforwiltshire #wessex #rollinghills #wiltshirewalks #wiltshirewildlife #peopleofprint #popmembers #artfulcollective #marlboroughopenstudios #MOS2023
A peek into April in a sunny studio here in Devizes.. with a new little linocut print ‘amongst things’ printed on #fabrianopaper available for sale soon.
#linocutprint #blackandwhiteprint #originalprint #artworkforsalebyartist #hannahcantellow #printmaker #wiltshireartist #visitwiltshire #devizes #wessex #countrysidelife #walking #wiltshiredowns #standingstones #swiftsandswallows #swallows #swifts #summerskies #springtimewalk #linoprint #linogravure #reliefprinting #reliefprintmakers
A little carving update… May Day in full swing and soaking up the atmosphere here in the garden. Just a couple of tweaks and then it’s all go with proof printing.
I have a good feeling about this one
Very much want to go back to explore more of the @islesofscilly and sketch some dramatic coastlines and seas. Have you been?
#linocutprintmaker #hannahcantellow #handcarved #linogravure #linogravureillustration #illustrativedesign #ukcoastline #islesofscilly #tresco #trescoabbeygardens #succulentgardening #botanicalprints #botanicalillustrations #redsquirrel #goldenpheasant #geckolizard #summerincornwall #linoblockprint #reliefprintmaker #bookcoverdesigner #bookcoverdesignersofinstagram #bookcoverillustrator #visitscilly #cornwallwildlife #islandlife #boatlifeadventures #islandwalks #cornwallbeaches #mayday2023
Kicking off this weekend is the @wylyevalleyart trail 2023 and I’m taking part with #FromePrintmakers in the beautiful St. Algars Yard 🌳
Find us in the trail guide no. 47b. Preview evening tonight Friday 28th April 6-9pm, all welcome to join us!
You’ll be able to see original prints from;
Hannah Cantellow @hcstudiouk
Sophie Pearson @sophiepearsonprints
Viv Meadows @vivmeadows203
Jen Chow
Hebe George @hebegeorge
Steve Clarkson @steveclarkson4
Charlotte Moore @charlotte_moore_artist
Sue Cook
Liz Schubart
Find us: St Algar’s Yard, West Woodlands, BA11 5ER.
W3W ///workshops.crank.slams
#WylyeValleyArtTrail #WVAT23 #StAlgarsYard #WestWoodlandsFrome #FromeSomerset #Printmakers #OriginalPrintsForSale #ArtTrail #WylyeValley #WylyeValleyArtTrail2023 #OpenStudio #PrintCollectors #PrintCollector #ArtistsSupportingArtists #PrintCollective #Frome #Exhibition #FramedPrintsForSale #FramedPrints #OriginalPrints
A first attempt at #Mokulito and I absolutely love it! Fascinated by this process, the texture of wood grain, fluidity of drawing and being able to carve into the surface of the wood block. Just wonderful. I am definitely going to be creating some more…
This was inspired by a sketch on the #CornishCoast sitting at #LoganRock looking out at sea to #PednVounder beach and the #MinnackTheatre last September 💛
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #mokulitoprint #mokulitho #alwayslearningsomethingnew #inspiredbycornwall #coastalrocks #coastscape #rockformations #coastaldrawing #ruggedrocks #cornwallinautumn #seascapeprints #originalprint #lithography #lithograph #artistatworktoday #printmakersofinstagram #britishprintmakers #workonwood #woodcut #woodgrain #texturalprintmaking #drawingonwood #marlboroughopenstudios #openstudios
Finally some spring sunshine 🌞🌱 warm enough for carving this lovely new block in the garden!
I love how it warms the lino and makes it easier to carve, nothing like a bit of solar magic ✨
Lots of botanical details to carve in at the bottom now, but as I move up through the block I’ll open it out into beach and bay spaces, eventually reach the tree and skyline. A bit like looking through the gorgeous vistas of Tresco 🌿🌊
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #newblock #newprintscomingsoon #linogravure #linocarving #botanicalprint #botanicalprints #plantlife🌱 #inthegardentoday #springsunshine☀️ #tresco #trescoisland #islesofscilly #trescoabbeygardens #britishillustrator #britishillustration #originaldrawings #originalprints #cornishcoast #cornishbeach #cornishgardens #visitcornwalluk #britishisles #islandsofadventure #coastaliving #coastalinterior #natureprints #britishprintmakers
So excited to share that my original linocut print ‘Summer Solstice at Avebury Stones’ has been preselected for the final stage of the 118th Open Exhibition with the Bath Society of Artists @bathsocietyofartists in @victoriaartgallerybath ✨
#hannahcantellow #britishprintmakers #womeninprint #avebury #aveburystones #aveburystonecircle #summersolstice #solsticecelebration #originalprint #originalartworkforsale #bathsocietyofartists #openexhibition #victoriaartgallery #wiltshirecountryside #wiltshireartist #printspotters #printspotter #linocutprints #cyclical #natureprints #summervisitors #swifts #swallows #downlands #marlboroughopenstudios
Spring Sunshine 🌞💛✨ enjoying a warm spot in the sunny corner of the studio yesterday afternoon after a spring clean and tidy.
Working on a new and smaller lino block, but trying to decide whether to make a reduction print or not 🤔
I don’t do many reduction prints as I prefer working with multiple blocks. I guess a proof might help me decide…
Think I might call this ‘Heart of the Sun’ but that may also change… so indecisive!!
#onmydesk #onmydesktoday #onmydesknow #wipart #linoblock #linoblocks #linogravure #reliefprints #reliefprintmakers #hannahcantellow #britishprintmakers #originalartwork #originalprints #springsunshine☀️ #sunnystudio #printstudio #natureprints #swallows #swifts #abstractlandscapeart #pattern #markmakingpattern #landscapeprintmaking #landscapeprints #reductionprint #reductionlinocut #pfeiltools #flexcuttools #printmakersprocess #wiltshirelife
#WorkInProgressWednesday finally got to proof printing my latest drawing and litho plate.
Absolutely in love with this process and can’t wait to start experimenting further. A real joy to explore making marks and watching layers evolve and appear. Feeling very inspired by this, more to come!
Thanks again @steveclarkson4 for your patience, encouragement and teaching.
A reminder to never give up on your dreams and to keep going!
#zincplatelithography #platelithography #platelitho #lithography #lithograph #litho #womeninprint #ukprints #originalprint #originalprints #printspotters #ukprintmakers #britishprintmakers #originaldrawings #hannahcantellow #penberthcove #penberth #cornishcoastpath #cornishcoastalpath #plantpots #bouys #succulents #penberthplants #harbourhouse #cornishcove #agapanthus #geraniums #teasels #fishingboats
Work in Progress… new block, new design, new prints.
Last September, after a very turbulent year, I headed off to the Isles of Scilly to explore the island of Tresco. Wow, it absolutely blew me away and opened my eyes to how healing colours are to me. The visit encompassed so many things that I love, rugged trees, coastline, plants, history, wildlife, pattern, colour and more!
It feels good to have developed the composition and yesterday I transferred the design to a large lino block.
Updates on carving progress will be arriving shortly! Exciting!
#workinprogress #wipwednesdays #wipwednesday #onmydesktoday #onmydesk #newworkinprogress #linoblock #linoblocks #colourhealing #colourheals #listentoyourbody #taketimeoff #landscapecomposition #composition #designplanning #creativeprocesses #ukprintmakers #landscapeartistsuk #handdrawndesign #islesofscilly #islesofscillyflowers #islesofscillywildlifetrust #tresco #trescoabbeygardens #trescoisland #cornwallart #cornishwildlife #cornishwalks #cornishtravels #succulentgardener
Playing with a new little poly etching press yesterday in preparation for a #drypointprinting workshop this Saturday. Delightful little press, thank you @handprinteduk for such excellent service and packaging as always!
Still a couple of places left if you’d like to join us.
Date: Saturday 25th March
Time: 9:30am - 1:30pm
Price: £60
Where: Overton Framing Studio near Marlborough Wiltshire
Free parking, tea, coffee and cakes…
Go to @hcstudiouk click the link in my profile and book your ticket.
#learntoprint #craftcoursesuk #craftcourses #printworkshop #intaglio #drypoint #drypointprint #beginnerclasses #beginnerclass #polymetaalpress #intagliopress #printingpress #whatsoninwiltshire #wiltshireevents #loveforwiltshire #trysomethingdifferent #artcourses #artclassesforadults #devizes #devizeswiltshire #marlborough #marlboroughwiltshire #wilts #wiltshirebusiness #adultcourses #adultcourse #learningprintmaking #printprocess
#DrypointPrinting Workshop is coming up on Saturday 25th March there are just 3 places left.
Come and learn how to print using an etching press and explore a new printmaking technique.
Booking is open now, go to @hcstudiouk link in bio to buy tickets or DM me for the link.
Looking forward to seeing you there!
#printmakingworkshop #printmakingtechniques #drypoint #drypoints #drypointprint #intaglioprintmaking #printingpress #mothersdaycrafts #mothersdaycraft #crafternoon #crafternoons #crafternoontreats #printtechniques #thingstodoinwiltshire #wiltshirevillages #whatsoninwiltshire #whatsoninmarlborough #devizeswiltshire #visitwiltshire #wiltshiremums #wiltshiremum #artworkshopsforadults #artworkshops #artworkshop
Prints into being… so happy with how these woodcuts have printed. Every time I pull a print reveal I get that inner magical feeling, which is why I fell in love with printmaking in the first place! Pure joy ✨
Inspired by my recent rambles through the Wiltshire landscape, these original prints will be available to purchase via my online shop very soon.
DM me if you’d like to reserve one @hcstudiouk
#printreveal #printpeelpress #woodcutprint #landscapeprint #landscapeprints #landscapeprintmaking #landscapeprinting #walkinginwiltshire #wiltshirewalks #wessex #wessexdowns #wiltshiredowns #getimprinted #originalprints #popmembers #peopleofprint #devizesartist #wiltshireartist #wiltshirecountryside #loveforwiltshire #timeforwiltshire #wiltshirelife #wilts #britishprintmakers #marlboroughopenstudios #wylyevalley #wylyevalleyarttrail #openstudios #supportartistsoninstagram #hannahcantellowprintmaker
👋🏻 a warm welcome to all my new followers. I’m Hannah Cantellow (can-tell-oh) in case you were wondering 😅 I’m an artist-printmaker-illustrator living and working in Wiltshire.
You can usually find me on a hillside, walking, drawing or wonder-wandering amongst stone circles and landscapes imbued with hidden histories.
Storytelling is something I’ve always been drawn to and printmaking enables me to explore why. I love creating movement and revealing the interconnectedness of living within the world.
Thank you for joining me here. If you’d like to see more behind the scenes join my Studio Snippets mailing list for fortnightly news and insights - link in bio 😊
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #womeninprintmaking #womeninprint #marchmeetthemaker #printmakingartist #printmakerslife #printmaking #walkinghills #hillsides #stonecircles #ancientbritain #ancienthistory #monolith #drawingpleinair #drawingoutdoors #drawingoutside #wiltshirelife #wiltshireartist #artistinresidence #artistillustrator #printmakersuk #printmakerartist #originalprints #landscapeartwork #landscapeartistsuk #landscapeartist
Learning… I’ve been starting to develop some of my sketches that I made in Cornwall last year whilst learning #platelithography - it’s something I tried long ago and I’ve always wanted to explore it since.
The possibilities of drawing and mark-making are so exciting!
I’ll be getting around to printing these soon… a big thank you to @steveclarkson4 at #FromePrintmakers for teaching this fantastic course.
#platelitho #litho #lithography #lithograph #drawingtolearn #learninglife #sketchesinthewild #cornwallsketch #cornishcoast #cornishcottage #bythesea🌊 #penberthcove #penberth #penberthplants #cornwall #originalprints #wipart #onmydesk #printmakingprocess #britishprintmakers #wiltshireartist #devizesartist #alwayslearningalwaysgrowing
Part of my #wessex series I’m delighted to have finished printing this edition of woodcuts.
Carved on multiple blocks of Japanese shina ply from @handprinted and printed on the wonderful #vandercookpress at #fromeprintmakers - a very happy printmaker indeed!
These woodcuts will be available to purchase soon, via my website and during @marlboroughopenstudios this July.
#woodcutprint #woodcut #woodcuts #woodcutprintmaking #woodcutprinting #woodcutprintmaker #wiltshireartist #wiltshirecountryside #wiltshireart #landscapeartistsuk #wessexdowns #wiltshiredowns #hillsides #wiltshireskies #warmcolours #goldenyellow #vandyckbrown #lithoreliefink #intaglioprintmaker #marlboroughopenstudios #loveforwiltshire #timeforwiltshire #devizesartist #wiltshirewalks #wiltshirelife #teasels #teasel
Wonderful Workshops ✨we had a fantastic time on Saturday creating colourful linocut prints using the jigsaw technique (aka puzzle prints).
A fab group to work with, who weren’t afraid to experiment and play - gorgeous results!
More workshops coming up in beginner linocut, drypoint and collagraph printing. Pop over to my website for more info or drop me a message @hcstudiouk
#happyprinting #printmakingworkshop #jigsawprint #puzzleprint #colourfulprint #colourfulprints #linocutprints #linocutprintmaking #hannahcantellowprintmaker #drypointprinting #drypoint #drypointprintmaking #collagraph #collagraphprint #collagraphy #collagraphs #wiltshirelife #wiltshireartist #visitwiltshire #wilts #devizes #marlborough #chippenham #swindon #craftcourses #craftcoursesuk #bristolprint
Saturday 4th March, 10am - 3:30pm £75, Reduction Linocut Printmaking workshop, spaces available!
A complete introduction to linocut printmaking using the reduction technique.
In this relief printing workshop you'll explore a range of linocutting tools, how to create marks, use areas of positive and negative space in your design, how to ink your lino block and learn to print by hand.
At the end of this workshop you'll have and understanding of;
- the key tools and materials
- how to register your block
- how to register your paper
- printing without a press and
- created an A5 print colour print(s)
We will be using traditional 'grey lino' also known as battleship lino, this is made from linseed oil and cork, backed by hessian fabric and is biodegradable.
Head to my bio @hcstudiouk to book your place 🌟🙌🏻
#printmakingworkshops #printmakingprocess #reductionprint #reductionlinocut #linocutprintmaking #reductionprinting #craftcourses #craftcourseswiltshire #craftcoursesuk #visitwiltshire #visitwiltshirespring #whatsoninwiltshire #wilts #wiltshireartist #wiltshireliving #thingstodoinwiltshire #wiltshireevents #hannahcantellowprintmaker #printmakersprocess
Last chance to book ➡️ Jigsaw Linocut Workshop this Saturday 25th February 9:30am - 1:30pm.
Just two spaces left! Come along for a creative morning of linocut and colour!
Head to @hcstudiouk and click the link in my bio to book.
#linocutworkshop #jigsawlino #linocutting #colourlinocut #linocut #linoprintingworkshop #wiltshireworkshops #marlborough #devizes #wilts #wiltshireliving #wiltshirelife #visitwiltshire #reliefprintmaking
Delighted to see that my new Summer School course has sold out 🥳 @marlboroughsummerschool very excited to be creating block prints and patterns in July!
If you missed out I’m running a day course in block printing at @fisherton.mill on Friday 17th February and there’s just one place left!
Be quick if you want to book 💛 click the link in my bio @hcstudiouk to get tickets.
#marlboroughsummerschool #summerschool2023 #marlboroughcollege @marlboroughcollege #blockprintingworkshop #blockprints #blockprintingtechnique #blockprintrepeat #whatsoninwiltshire #wiltshireevents #visitwiltshire #fishertonmill #fishertonmillgallery #salisbury #salisburywiltshire #whatsonsalisbury #salisburyevents #craftworkshop #craftworkshops #patternrepeat #printyourownfabric #heritagecrafts #tutoring #lovewhatyoudo❤️
Today feels like it’s going to need a lot more sunshine, so thought I’d share where I’m up to with printing the two woodblocks.
Pleased to say this golden yellow has printed beautifully and it’s just a case of waiting for these to dry before I can print the second block in Van Dyck Brown. Can’t wait to see the textures and patterns emerge when they collide.
The last photo shows the blocks being varnished with shellac to seal the wood before printing.
#tuesdaysunshine #sunshineplease #ifyouvegotnothingnicetosaydontsayanythingatall #positivemindpositivelife #moveonandbehappy #trollscandoone #goldenyellow #goldendays #goldenyears #landscapeprints #landscapeloversofinstagram #printmakersprocess #printmakerspost #woodcuts #originalprints #originalwoodcut #multiblockprint #multiblock #printpatterns #texturesinprint #hannahcantellowprintmaker #wiltshireartist #fromeprintmakers #stalgarsyard
Workshops are back for 2023 🥳
Looking forward to inspiring more people with printmaking this year! If that’s you then take a look below👇🏻
💛 Textiles: block printing your own fabrics for crafting at Fisherton Mill Gallery, Salisbury 17th February 2023 | only 3 places available
💛 Linocut Jigsaw Technique at Overton Framing Studio, Marlborough 25th February 2023 | limited to 6 people
💛 Reduction Linocut Prints at Overton Framing Studio, Marlborough 4th March 2023 | limited to 6 people
How to book? Go to my bio @hcstudiouk and click the link!
#printmakingworkshops #workshopsinwiltshire #learnprintmaking #printmakingclass #blockprintingonfabric #blockprintedfabric #jigsawlino #linocutjigsawmethod #linoprintingworkshop #linoprintmaking #linocutfriends #linoprint #reductionlinoprint #reductionlino #reductionlinocut #visitwiltshire #wiltshire #wiltshirelife #timeforwiltshire #salisbury #marlborough #devizes #loveforwiltshire
A little throwback to last year in August when I went to collect this heavy little book press from Birmingham.
It was in need of some TLC and restoring, swipe to see the before and after photos 💛
All polished up and looking like the black beauty she deserves to be, prints beautifully too! Think restoring these could become addictive…
#throwbackthurs #transformationthursday #restorations #restorationproject #bookpress #copyingpress #ironpress #blackandbrass #printmakingpress #restorationjourney #printmakerslife #augustwhenitwaswarm #august2022 #printslikeadream #polishedbrass #brasshandles #lickofpaint #tlc #printstudios #printstudio #printmakerspost #printmakersstudio #devizes #devizesartist #wiltshire #wiltshirearts #wiltshireartists #wiltshireartist
Colour colour everywhere no #bluemondays here… but just a little blue for testing.
Mixing up different colours and exploring palettes is so much fun, I’m always drawn to those that are warm and earthy.
It’s great to have freedom to experiment with layers and although I could do this in photoshop where’s the fun in that?!
Any that catch your eye?
More carving of the second blocks next and then proofing!
#colourfulprints #colourdevelopment #colourexploration #warmearthycolours #landscapecolours #multiblock #multiblockprint #woodcutprocess #testingcolours #printmakersprocess #artworkdetail #originalprints #inthemaking #januaryblues #fromeprintmakers #stalgarsyard
#ᴛʜʀᴏᴡʙᴀᴄᴋᴛʜᴜʀsᴅᴀʏ something to brighten up this gloomy January weather is one of my favourite colours… golden yellow ochre 💛✨
I’m experimenting with an earthy palette for these woodcut prints and print on tracing paper to explore colour overlays and work out further carving for the second block.
I’ve designed these two prints to work together, to have a dialogue with one another…what do they say to you?
#printmakerspost #printmakeruk #woodcuts #woodcutprinting #languageoflandscape #printmakerartist #landscapeartistsuk #landscapeprinting #landscapesofbritain #landscapesofinstagram #landscapelove #originalprints #earthypalette #goldenyellow #yellowochre #layersonlayersonlayers #markmakingpattern #markmakingmakesmehappy #hannahcantellowprintmaker
Happy New Year, Happy New Print! I sneaked in some proof printing at #FromePrintmakers in #StAlgarsYard on New Years Eve✨ Glad that I did because I’ve been itching to see how this woodcut would print.
I’m using tracing paper to offset from the key block to transfer onto a second woodblock. Excited to develop this now, a bit more cutting then it’s time to mix colours and print!
#hannahcantellowprintmaker #woodcutprinting #woodcuts #reliefprinting #printdevelopment #printmakersprocess #keyblock #vandercookpress #vandercook #inkingup #proofprint #artistsproof #landscapeprints #handcarvedwood #woodcutprint #britishprintmakers #womeninprint #womeninprintmaking #printmakingvideo #printmakingtechniques #dowhatmakesyourheartsing #happynewyear2023
Here’s my #TopNine2022 these always surprise me. This year has been a rollercoaster ride for many many reasons. There is much to distill and consider, but it’s time to dream big for 2023!!
My two words for 2023 are… DRAWING and EXPLORING
Grid top left to right:
1. #CleyHill linocut commission print
2. #AveburyStones proof printing
3. @pookipresses printing tests
4. #Salisbury Christmas gift market
5. Sketching on #SennenBeach
6. @hcstudiouk studio transformation
7. Packing prints for markets and fairs
8. Pop up shop and print taster workshops
9. Selected for the @wiltscreative #salisburyartscentre Summer Open Exhibition
Wishing everyone the best for the New Year 💛✨ you never know what it might bring!
Stay Kind,
Hannah x
#topnine #bestnine2022 #reflectiontime #thankyou2022 #dreambigworkhard #womeninprintmaking #womeninprint #womenprintmakers #womenprintmaker #printmakersofinstagram #artistprintmaker #linocutprints #woodcutprints #whatsahead #happynewyear2023 #newyearexcitement #makersgonnamake #moredrawing #moreexploring #womeninbusiness #womenartistsofinstagram
Merry Christmas to one and all!
💛 My last workshop of the year was a wonderful one! Wow what a year 2022 has been?! I am so grateful to everyone and I have so many thank yous to share!!
💛 Thank you to everyone who has come to one of my workshops, to my open studios, who has bought my work online or in person, who has encouraged, guided, helped and supported me, my business and my practice - even in the simplest and most invisible ways nothing has gone unnoticed and I am so grateful to you all!
💛 A year ago today if you’d told me what was ahead in 2022 I most definitely wouldn’t have believed you. So here’s to the magic of the unknown and the belief in and hope for what 2023 might bring…
💛 I’ll be taking a little break now over the Christmas period, but will be back very soon in January with lots of new and exciting workshops too!
Merry Christmas from me and mine to you and yours✨
Big big love,
Hannah xx
#appreciationposts #merrychristmastooneandall #takingabreakfromwork #backinthenewyear #gratefulheart❤️ #thankyouthankyouthankyou #fullheart❤️ #believeinyourself❤️ #christmascarddesign #wishingyouamerrychristmas #happyholidays #smaĺlbusinesslove #timeforabreak #printmakerofinstagram
Christmas Linocut Workshop this Sunday 18th December at @overtonframingstudio ~ just 3 places left!
10am - 3:30pm
Make your own Christmas cards, gift wrapping and gift tags.
Christmas nibbles, songs and making 🎄❤️
Link in bio to book @hcstudiouk
#christmasprintmaking #christmasworkshops #christmasworkshop #linocutchristmascards #makeyourownchristmas #handmadechristmascard #handprintedcards #marlboroughwiltshire #wiltshireworkshops #craftworkshopsinwiltshire #workshopsinwiltshire #wiltshirecrafts #printyourown #december2022❄️☃️🌨️ #overtonframingstudio #devizes #devizeswiltshire #swindoncrafters #swindon #swindie #thingstodoinwiltshire #wiltshireevents #printmaking
It's a weekend of fabulous online sales where makers sell off their 'seconds' or 'samples'. It's also known as Super Seconds Festival on Instagram.
How did it start?
Sophie Greenwood atInk and Bearis the super organised brain behind Super Seconds!
When is it? It startsonline from Saturday 1st October 2022 until the end of the day on Sunday 2nd October 2022.
What are you selling?
I'll be selling handprinted textile samples, notebooks, cushion covers, misprints, old stock including greetings cards and original prints, as well as offering a special discount on full priced items in my online shop.
Where are you selling?
I'll be selling online via my Print Shop - all listing included in the sale will be in a Super Seconds category.
How do I access your Seconds Sale? It's best to sign up for my'Studio Snippets'fortnightly mailings - this will guarantee you VIP access to the sale a whole hour before anyone else.